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Revelstoke big mountain challenge

The Revelstoke ski competition was my favourite one this ski season.

On the first night of the competition, it snowed 10 cm and continued to snow though out the day, which led to having poor visibility. This was the last competition of this year so for my qualifying run I chose a run I knew I could pull off because I didn't want to fall.

The snowfalls the night before led to the venue having varying conditions all through out it. At the top of my run, I got word from one of the coaches that the landing of my first drop would throw me forward because it had gotten all sluffed out. During my run, I prepared in the air for a landing that was supposed to throw me, but it didn't... The landing was perfect so I was in the wrong position so I had a very close call to a crash. I managed to pull it together and finish the rest of my run cleanly. I surprised myself and came out of the first day with a second place and only .1 point behind.

Our finals day, the sun came out and it felt like spring. The weather was perfect. The moring of I picked out a line that I was excited to ski. The snow was perfect, It was soft but not slushy. I was so excited to ski that run, I have never felt that way. I knew that no matter what the results where I was going to ski like there was no tomorrow and have the best attitude I could. Skied my run top to bottom perfectly. I have never been more proud of a run then that one. I won that day by over 2 whole points and moved up into first place.

It was the best way to end that ski season and my last comp in 12-14 that I could have hoped. I look forward to what the next season will bring and the adventures I will take.

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